EYFS Christmas Performance

Our children in Reception and Ducklings did an amazing job in their Christmas performances last week. It was wonderful to see so many parents and families coming in to support them. The children sang and narrated with confidence as they retold the Christmas Story, smiling throughout. They all looked fantastic, well done to everyone involved!

Ice-Skating Trip!

Our KS1 children in Dolphins, Tigers, Frogs and Hedgehogs all had an amazing time on their trip to Worthing’s ice rink on Tuesday 10th December.

We travelled from school to Steyne gardens by coach and for most of the children, it was their first time stepping out on to the ice! Once they had donned their skates there was no stopping them! With the help of some of our lovely parents, school grown ups and the rinks very own resident penguins, you could see their confidence growing by the minute. Each child was wearing a huge smile by the time we left and said how much they had enjoyed themselves!


On Monday 2nd December the whole school visited Reverend Gary at St Stephens Church on Angola Road. With the help of Open the Book, he told us the Christmas story. He told us about Baby Jesus being born in a stable and asked some of us to help with the story; some children with Mary and Joseph, some children were angels,  whilst others were sheep being looked after by their shepherds.  
We then learnt what a Christingle is and made one each. He explained what each part of the Christingle meant and the children listened carefully. 
All the children listened beautifully, sang some Christmas songs and made beautiful Christingles. The children took their Christingles home and it was lovely to see the children had put there’s back together and enjoyed their family about the visit to the church. 

Contact Us
Springfield Infant School and Nursery
Sackville Road, Worthing
West Sussex
BN14 8BQ,
t: 01903 219243