Springfield nursery is a happy and caring environment that offers young children varied and exciting learning experiences. Children from 3 years of age can join the nursery and will be taught by a dedicated team of experienced Early Years staff. All the classes at Springfield are named after animals and our nursery children are our ‘Ducklings’.
In Ducklings Class we love being active and getting outdoors. We go outside whatever the weather! We have undercover areas, a mud garden, sand and water tables, a gardening patch, a wooded area, a climbing frame and slide, bikes, scooters, giant construction blocks and much more.
We love to grow our own plants. In the summer we plant beans, herbs, tomatoes and sunflowers. Then we start to prepare the ground ready to plant some winter vegetables. We also enjoy lots of different types of mark making, using anything from paint and shaving foam to feathers and sticks.
We spend time experimenting with numbers and shapes in nursery, enjoying lots of counting games and songs. We also love reading to and with our Ducklings, focusing on different books and talking about the plot and characters. We often role play the stories and see if we can make them even better!
We are fortunate to have some wonderful resources that we enjoy playing with, from cars and trains to dinosaurs and farm animals, threading and marble runs. We love our home corner too, where we can cook up a lovely lunch, take care of ourselves and enjoy a book in our comfy armchair
Time as a Duckling sets children up well for their next steps into Reception. They leave with a range of skills and experiences that give them the confidence and independence they need to make the transition as smooth as possible as they begin their school career.