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We are Tigers Class

Our class teacher is Mr Lucas. Our Learning Assistant is Mrs Goacher. We look forward to sharing with you all the exciting things that happen in Tigers Class.

Our Classroom

In Tiger Class, we love to learn! Just like a tiger, we are brave and strong but also know that we need to work as a team and look after one another. Our ‘Class Charter’ helps to remind us of this, as well as supporting us to remember that ‘I Can’ everyday.

This is our classroom and the space in which we do all our amazing learning! ‘Our Learning Journey’ helps to track what we’ve covered each week and we love seeing the photos appear of any exciting lessons we’ve had.

We love to write in Tiger Class and are always trying our best to improve! We have our ‘Building Brilliant Writers’ wall to help remind us what makes up a super sentence as well as celebrate those pieces of work that really make us say WOW!

Our Reading Jungle is where we like to relax and enjoy a book or two! As Tigers, we love nothing more than to read a good story among the jungle leaves.

Contact Us
Springfield Infant School and Nursery
Sackville Road, Worthing
West Sussex
BN14 8BQ,
t: 01903 219243