Autumn Term
Welcome to Turtles Class
We are Turtle class and we all started Reception in September 2024.
Our class teachers are Mrs Angelo and Mrs Byford. Our Learning Assistant is Miss McFarlane.
We look forward to sharing with you all the exciting things that happen in ‘Turtle’ class.
Since starting school, we have been exploring our classroom and garden and making new friends.
We have enjoyed our lunch in the hall, trying very hard to hold a knife and fork and use them correctly.
We have already enjoyed Yoga, Whizzy writing, Phonics and Scooter Day
We can’t wait to share all the exciting activities we get up to!
Please click on the link below to see what we will be learning about this term.
Autumn Term Overview 2024
Springfield Week 11th November-15th November
In Turtle class we made a simple beanbag target to help develop our throwing and aiming skills whilst being able to recognise numbers as each target earnt a different score. We used counters to represent the quantity of each of the scores we earnt and finished by counting them, using 1:1 correspondence, to find out the total number of points we had scored.
In our Early Years garden we learnt the traditional game of Hopscotch. After having been shown how to play, we took turns throwing a beanbag onto a numbered square before hopping and jumping along, avoiding the number it had landed on.
We were very excited to have a special session with Mr Atkinson who is a coach from Brighton and Hove Albion. He took us all outside on the playground and played some games to help us with spatial awareness. First, we played stop go. We had to find the biggest empty space and keep moving around the area. When he said stop, if we were in a good space he gave us up to 50 points! We then played space invaders. Half of us were spaceships, holding a hula-hoop around our middle. The other half had beanbags which they had to drop through the hula-hoops. If your spaceship got invaded you had to swap it with an invader.
As part of our daily routine, we take part in the Springfield Stride. This is an activity that promotes health, well-being, stamina and fitness, as well as perseverance to keep going. Mrs Kingston came to lead our Springfield Stride this week. She did some exercises that warmed our bodies up and then led us round the Springfield Stride, completing three laps!! She was so impressed with our stamina to keep running and looks forward to seeing us in running club when we are in Year 2!
Perform Drama – we were greeted by a little green alien from the planet Saturn. She explained to us that she needed some helpers to accompany her on a very important mission. First we had to pass 3 tests – a memory test, a clever test and a listening test. Once we passed the tests we prepared for our mission by dressing in our moon boots, gloves and suits before doing up our seatbelts and taking off in our space ship, hurtled through space past planets, galaxies and stars.
When we finally arrived on the planet Venus, we had to help the alien teach the ‘Cruel Commander’ about kindness by sprinkling friendship dust around when he wasn’t looking! Eventually the Commander began to realise the kindness and friendship was very important and we achieved our mission!