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Panda Class

We are Panda Class and we all started in Reception in September 2024.

Welcome to Pandas class! Pandas class Teacher is Miss Cumming and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Eastment.

We are looking forward to sharing with you all the exciting things that are happening in Panda class!

Since starting school, we have been exploring our classroom and garden and making new friends.

We have enjoyed our lunch in the hall, trying very hard to hold a knife and fork and use them correctly.

We have already enjoyed Yoga, Whizzy writing, Phonics and Scooter day.

We can’t wait to share all to exciting activities we get up to!

Please click on the link below to see what we will be learning about this term.

Contact Us
Springfield Infant School and Nursery
Sackville Road, Worthing
West Sussex
BN14 8BQ,
t: 01903 219243