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The Springfield school uniform

  • Mid-blue cardigan or sweatshirt (preferably with Springfield logo)
  • Grey skirt/pinafore dress, grey trousers or shorts
  • Black, grey or white socks
  • White blouse or polo shirt
  • White or black trainers

The Springfield PE kit

For PE all pupils need the following items in a drawstring or canvas bag:

  • White t-shirt or Springfield logo t-shirt (optional)
  • Blue shorts

The Springfield nursery uniform

The children in the Nursery School can wear their own clothes or may choose to wear a yellow polo shirt embroidered with the Springfield logo.

Labelling your child’s clothing

Please be sure to label all items of clothing, book bags and lunchboxes with your child’s full name. We have a Lost Property basket in the School Library and items clearly labelled can be easily returned.  At the end of each term any lost property still remaining is given to a local charity.

Where to buy

Our School Uniform, PE kit and book bags can be purchased from:

Broadwater Sports,
37 Broadwater Street West,
BN14 9BY
Tel: (01903) 234589

Nearly new uniform shop

If you would like to place an order, please email: office@springfieldschool.co.uk.

In the email please include your child’s name, the sizes and quantities of the items you wish to purchase.

Please note we may not have all items in stock, but we will do our best to fufill your request.

Contact Us
Springfield Infant School and Nursery
Sackville Road, Worthing
West Sussex
BN14 8BQ,
t: 01903 219243