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We are Hedgehog Class

We are Hedgehog Class

Our class teachers are Mrs Howie. Our Learning Assistant is Miss Hemsley and Mrs Goacher. Hedgehog Class is a great place to be! We work hard, try our best and never give up. We are inquisitive and we really enjoy Mrs Howie’s Fun Fact of the Day!

Summer Term 1

Hedgehog class are thoroughly enjoying their ‘Petrifying Plants and Wonderful Wildlife’ topic this Summer term. During our art topic, the children have been studying the artist Henri Rousseau. Hedgehog class recently wowed their grown-ups on ‘parent in school day’ with their knowledge of Henri Rousseau’s post-impressionist, abstract style.  We have been focusing on the painting ‘Tiger in a Tropical Storm.’ The children looked in detail about the colours and shapes used in the painting. We discussed about the emotions and feelings that this painting evokes, as well as the fact that Henri Rousseau used more than 50 shades of green to create his piece of art work! The children created their own versions of the ‘Tiger in a Tropical Storm’ painting using a range of media. The children demonstrated our school value of being creative and their artwork is absolutely incredible.

In our English lessons this half term, we have been writing and creating our own factual books about Petrifying Plants, using the text, ‘Plants Bite Back! During our extensive research we have become experts in carnivorous plants. We up-levelled the facts we found with adjectives, openers and similes. In addition to this, we challenged ourselves to use different sentence types, metaphors and sentences of three. Next time you are in school, please come and read our Petrifying Plants books. We are sure you will find them informative and extremely exciting.  What ambitious and creative writers Hedgehog class are!

Spring 1 Term

Hedgehog class are thoroughly enjoying their ‘A Journey to the Moon’ topic this Spring term. During our art topic, the children have been studying the artist Vincent Van Gogh, and in particular the painting ‘Starry Night.’ The children looked in detail about the colours and shapes used in the painting. We discussed about the emotions and feelings that this painting evokes. The children created their own versions of the ‘Starry Night’ painting using a range of media. The children demonstrated our school value of being creative throughout this topic and their artwork was absolutely incredible. Furthermore, the children worked collaboratively to create a large version of the ‘Starry Night’ painting using mixed media. 

In our English lessons this half term, we have been learning about poetry. We have been studying the poem ‘Six Ways to Look at the Moon.’ Hedgehog class identified that this poem has many features to paint a picture in the reader or performers minds. Using metaphors and adjectives we wrote our own Moon poems. What ambitious ants they all are!

Autumn Term

Hedgehog class have thoroughly enjoyed their ‘African Safari’ topic this Autumn term. During our DT topic, the children made their own Djembe style drums. They started by fixing drinking cups together. Then they covered the cups in masking tape to ensure that the structure was strong. After that, they decorated their drums with paint and beads. Finally, the children tested their drums by accompanying a piece of African music.

Not only have Hedgehog Class been busy in school, they have been busy at home too. Thank you, parents and carers, at home for supporting your children with their amazing African homework!

We have been demonstrating our school ‘I CAN’ values brilliantly. In our art lessons, we have been ‘creative camels’ and have created some wonderful African animal collages, linked to our topic an African Safari. In addition to this, we have looked at ‘blow painting’ to create stunning African animal silhouette pictures. Hedgehogs really are amazing artists! Please see the pictures below.

In our maths lessons, we have been demonstrating our school value of being ambitious. We have learnt to compare numbers using the greater, less and equal to symbols. Furthermore, we have been developing our reasoning skills when ordering numbers. Please have a look at our marvellous maths below.

Contact Us
Springfield Infant School and Nursery
Sackville Road, Worthing
West Sussex
BN14 8BQ,
t: 01903 219243