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We are Dolphins Class

Our class teachers are Mrs Gasson and Ms Seller. Our Learning Assistant is Miss Howell. We look forward to sharing with you all the exciting things that happen in Dolphins Class.

Our Classroom

Here is Dolphins classroom. We have lots of exciting resources in our classroom and things to help us with our learning.


In Art we have been exploring techniques with clay, we have been learning how to stick clay together in preparation for a final sculpture piece.


In our writing we have been learning about how double consonants ‘protect’ short vowel sounds. We have learnt a song to help us remember short and long vowel sounds.

In our DT we also have designed our own superhero cape and then looked at our design to then make a real cape to wear!

Science Day visit from Ali Khan

On Science Day we learnt about testing, we were helping a (pretend) vet decide the best bedding for a pet and  had the question… Which material is most absorbent? We and to learn about what absorbent meant and then how to use the equipment before we could test our which material soaked up water the best. Then we worked in pairs to use our equipment to test, ask your child what happened when they tested the different materials.

Contact Us
Springfield Infant School and Nursery
Sackville Road, Worthing
West Sussex
BN14 8BQ,
t: 01903 219243