Our class teachers are Mrs Elliott and Mrs Angelo. Our Learning Assistant is Mrs Kosla. We look forward to sharing with you all the exciting things that happen in Dolphins Class.
Our Learning
In maths we have been practising doubling numbers to 10 using a pictorial method to help us.
Dolphins had a great time ice skating, they are really proud that they all had a try and got better the more they practised!
In our writing we have been learning about the suffix -ed, how to write it and how it changing the meaning of the verb.
We have been doing lots of Science this week, we have been learning about deciduous and evergreen trees, trying to spot the different characteristics. Evergreen trees usually have thicker waxy or shiny leaves and deciduous trees’ leaves are beginning to change colour and fall.
For this term’s Science Day we were exploring light and reflection. We read the story ‘Can’t You Sleep Little Bear’ and then talked about what a properties would be good for a coat to help Little Bear be seen at night. We tested different materials and observed carefully. Using what we noticed we then made a coat for Little Bear and tested that in the dark!
In our Maths we have been learning how to use the mathematical symbols for add, subtract and equals (+ – =) and practising reading and writing them in calculations
Over the past fortnight we have been getting to know each other. We have shared the book ‘I am Enough’ by Grace Byers. We have also been reminding ourselves about our numbers to 20, counting on and back. This has included practising our number formation and making sure we are writing our digits the right direction. We have also been learning about how to use the iPads and computers safely and what to do when something doesn’t look right: Before you tap and click… You need to stop and think… And TELL someone! Practise at home: Practise writing your numbers in the right direction using the ditties.
‘I Am Enough’ by Grace Byers
On our Maths Morning we read the story ‘ None the Number’ by Oliver Jeffers. We talked about our favourite numbers as well as what zero was. We then practised solving adding and taking away calculations with numbers including zero!