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Useful Information

Nursery Session Times

  • 9.00am – 12.00pm – Funded Session     
  • 12.00pm – 3.00pm – Funded Session

Key Person

A key person will be assigned to your child. Your child’s key person will ensure your child is developing a range of skills and is settled and happy. They will share information with you about your child’s development, on a regular basis. Developing a secure bond with their key person allows your child to explore and play freely but feel safe within the environment. We operate an ‘open door’ policy so please feel free to speak to any of the nursery team at any time.

Snacks, milk and lunch

All of the children in the nursery will be entitled to free cool milk and fresh fruit. We have rolling snack times throughout the day. Children that will be having lunch will have the option of choosing to eat a hot healthy school lunch, which is cooked fresh each day, plus a pudding at the cost of £3.50, or they can bring in a packed lunch as well as any additional snacks. Hot lunch orders are payable termly in advance.  

Settling In

Springfield Nursery can provide your child with a ‘settling in’ session before they join the nursery or for the first session of the school term in September (or when they start). This can be discussed with the nursery manager. However, it has been found that they often settle more quickly, after the initial parting, once you have gone. Staff will be responsible for helping your child to settle.  

Staff ratios

The staff ratio within the nursery is 1 adult per 8 children and 1 adult per 6 children during lunchtimes. 


We use Tapestry, an online resource, to share information with you about your child. We encourage you to engage with this excellent resource and will hold sessions to help you get the most out of it.

Child drop off and collection 

If your child attends the morning or full day sessions, please arrive on the playground at 8.55am. You will be invited in through the EYFS shared area doors, after the reception children have made their way in. Our coat pegs are situated in a corridor near our classroom. If your child attends the afternoon session, please wait outside the Oasis doors (next to the main reception) for 12 o’clock entry. 


Please collect your child from the playground Nursery door. If you have older children at Springfield Infant school, please collect Nursery children first at 3pm. If your child attends morning only sessions, please enter the school gates and wait outside our Oasis building at the back of the hall. Your child will be brought out to you at 12 noon.

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast club is open to all children from 8am until the start of the school day, from Nursery through to Year 2, five mornings per week during term time. You can just turn up on the day. You will be asked to complete a short registration form, which can be obtained from the School Office or from Mrs Porter, our Breakfast Club Manager.  A healthy breakfast is served daily.

Nursery Uniform

The children in the Nursery school will be able to wear their own clothes but we would encourage you to purchase our nursery polo shirts. These can be obtained from Broadwater Sports Shop. The shirts are yellow and have our nursery school logo enabling us to easily identify the children within the school setting. Please provide a change of clothing and several pairs of underwear or nappies and wipes.

EYFS Curriculum

At Springfield we ensure that the Early Years Foundation Stage: “promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.” (Statutory Framework for the EYFS 2021)

The EYFS is based upon four principles:

  • A unique child – developing resilient, capable, confident and self-assured individuals.
  • Positive relationships – supporting the children in becoming strong and independent.
  • Enabling environments – where opportunities and experiences respond to the individual needs of the child by developing a strong partnership between practitioners, parents/carers and the child.
  • Learning and developing – An acknowledgement that children learn in different ways and at different rates 

Throughout the year you will be invited to two parent consultations with the Nursery Lead. This provides a more formal opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and the next steps in their learning. We are always on hand to talk to you informally about your child and welcome your questions and comments.   

Helping in The Nursery 

We always welcome parental support for activities in the nursery. Some of these activities may include reading stories, creative activities, outdoor learning and helping on nursery trips. Please note we will require you to complete an enhanced DBS (Disclosure Barring Service) disclosure form prior to helping the children in school. Please contact the school office who can organise this for you.

Toileting, Accidents, Sickness and Medication

Many young children have ‘accidents’ which is why we request a spare set of clothes be sent in each day. If your child needs changing they will always be treated with dignity and respect. There is always a member of staff with a relevant First Aid Qualification on site, and an up-to-date first aid box is kept in the Nursery at all times. Minor accidents are recorded in an accident book and we will require you to sign this when collecting your child.  Please inform us if your child contracts an infectious illness/disease. In the enrolment booklet you can make us aware of any other medical issues. 

Contact Us
Springfield Infant School and Nursery
Sackville Road, Worthing
West Sussex
BN14 8BQ,
t: 01903 219243