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“Space to grow and wings to fly”

Our aims are to create a safe, caring, stimulating and challenging environment in which the potential of every member of the school community is fully developed and each individual achieves success and satisfaction. Springfield is a fully inclusive school and ensures equality of opportunity. Our goal is for our children to feel an “I can” attitude.

We want to prepare children for the complexities of adult life, enabling them to develop through our key values: –

  • Inclusive
  • Creative
  • Ambitious
  • Nurturing


At Springfield we enjoy the uniqueness of every child. We strive to ensure equal opportunity for everyone, regardless of gender, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, beliefs and intellectual and physical ability. All our children are valued and are encouraged to be independent, have open minds, think for themselves, develop self-esteem, have respect for each other and are inspired and motivated to do their very best. We endeavour to develop positive home/school links and actively involve parents in the life and work of the school as well as the community as a whole.


At Springfield we want all our children to come to school to foster a love for learning by developing their curiosity and creativity through enquiring minds and a rich and inspirational curriculum. We want the children to have wide reaching opportunities and to have knowledge and experience of their environment and the world around them.


At Springfield we provide quality, appropriate learning opportunities, informed by highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals that instil high expectations, recognise progress, challenge and celebrate success. We develop the child’s skills and attitudes to become independent, co-operative and life-long learners.

Our children are encouraged to be motivated, enthusiastic and hardworking in order to do the very best they can.


At Springfield we take enormous pride and pleasure in nurturing all of our children from the moment they start until the day they leave. We provide opportunities for children to be thoughtful and share feelings within a trusted and understanding environment. Children will know how to be confident and resilient and have the courage to never give up. They will be kind and considerate and will have the self-belief and the skills needed to lead successful, happy, healthy and fulfilled lives.

Contact Us
Springfield Infant School and Nursery
Sackville Road, Worthing
West Sussex
BN14 8BQ,
t: 01903 219243